Featured on Democracy Now:
The crisis in Japan has refueled the global debate about the viability of nuclear power. Democracy Now! hosts a debate about the future of nuclear energy between British journalist George Monbiot and Dr. Helen Caldicott.
Nuclear energy remains a controversial topic in climate change discourse, as environmental activists argue how to best reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere — often the debate pits one non-renewable energy against another as renewable energy technology and research remains underfunded.
THE SEVEN DEADLY PLASTICS The Princess of Serendip
The Princes of Serendip have delighted and perplexed audiences for many years with T. G. Vanini's forceful, quirky and moving songs. TG Vanini (on vocals, violin and piano) is joined by Julie Parisi Kirby (vocals and guitar). on this unforgettable tune Their website is www.princesofserendip.info
Please – pass on TG’s song, The Seven Deadly Plastics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP-oC-0hOC0.